Yeshwanthpur PAG

CRY volunteer interacting with community

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422175_311347458977375_2079677936_nA to ascertain the need to put dropouts back to school. CRY north Bangalore PAG (People action group) has this on top of their agenda this month!

Can you say it’s a Lazy Sunday ?

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If I would say there exists some people who are not lazy on Sundays, then I guess nobody will believe me. But it’s true, I have seen lot of such  children who really don’t distinguish between the lazy Sunday or Early Monday. They have same enthusiasm all the seven days of a week. Isn’t it ? Aren’t they source of inspiration for us ? Do week always look into high profile people for this ?  I will leave up to you to decide about it.

On the occasion 15th August,2012, we conducted a Drawing Competition  at Urdu Government School (activity we conducted on 12th August 2012 and prize distribution was on 15th August, 2012),which is near Yeshwanthpur railway station. We had announced one day before only,asked them to prepare for it  and make whatever they like (doesn’t it seem like the scene of TZP movie  :)) . We initially thought that the next day is Sunday and there are chances that less students will turn up. But it turns out that it was almost full strength as per the teachers as well.

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When were really amused after seeing their enthusiasm to do something creative that day. How many of us really think to do something creative that too on lazy Sunday ? From there enthusiasm levels, one can easily say they all have one thing in mind – to paint with a perfection. When we roamed in the room and had a glance what they really are trying to paint on canvas of their imagination. Their love for country, religion, nature, objects and family was on their canvas. One other important thing was what we had observe which we rarely see in this competent people. They were telling us who is making a nice painting or who is a nice painter. And it also reflected  while they were submitting their canvas and left the rooms.  During or after the competition I asked few of the children what they are dreaming to be one. Many of them wanted to become doctors, policeman, engineer, fashion designer, and teacher.  Based on their replies, we should ask ourselves “Are we really seeing these children converting their dreams ? ” According me, not many. Then what is happening to their dreams ? What are the reasons behind ? Who is stopping them ?

We concluded the activity with warm regards from the teachers and off-course from our beloved children as well. They asked us when we are next activity and which one. We really don’t have an answer for that other than “very soon“. So still you want to spend lazy Sundays or have a glance on children for whom all days are same ?

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P.S : For more photos click here